When I first came to Thailand 11 years ago, there were few mobile phones and internet was hard to find. We would rent mobile phones but the service was poor. Many people here didn't even have land line phones in their homes much less mobile phones. Internet was hard to find and slow and expensive to use. When using telephones I had to find the special spot and stay there while using the phone. If I moved it would lose the signal. When using the internet often websites and emails would freeze halfway through and then I would lose all. But Thaialnd has come a long way since then. Mobile phone service is everywhere with all the extras, such as mms. Can even access the internet via the mobile phones. Internet now is high speed and everywhere. Now it is almost cheaper to get your own website and make your own homepage.
For me living abroad in Thailand internet and mobile phones help me keep in touch with friends and family back in the states. Don't have to wait for letters to get here from USA after 6 weeks. Email and chat gives us instant connection and helps us keep in touch. Pictures are still fresh now can almost see as soon as its taken. So thank god for internet and mobile phones it makes this big world so much small. Aloha
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