Friday, February 03, 2006

Valentine's Day

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Valentine's Day is fast approaching again. Here in Thailand they recognize Valentine's Day but it is more like how we did in elementary school. Everybody is your Valentine and everybody wants a gift from you. Their special day here is Loy Khrathong Day. It is in November during the full moon. During this day couples float "Loy" a Khratnong together. A Khrathong is lotus flowers and candles on a platform that will float. They float them together and if they stay together in the water, so will the couple. I have a special someone that I have had the fortune of being with for 5 years and we have had 5 Valentine Days together. We have survived the cultural and language challenges together and we are still going stong. We have been together since the first day I came to live in Thailand. We have had our ups and downs but I have most definitely found my soulmate. We have our love, romance, and companionship. We originally met via the internet so anything is possible and does happen all the time.
Don't fret if you are alone during Valentine's Day, There are things you can do to find your soulmate. In today's world we are all very busy and maybe dont't have time to search for someone to share our lives, our love, our experiences and our thoughts. But there are other people the same as you needing someone too. You just need to have a way to find each other when you are separated by time and space. If you have someone please remember them on Valentine's Day, with gifts, flowers, and special day or evening or just a hug, kiss and a sincere, "I love you". And hopefully in return you will hear the word, "ditto". Good Luck in Life and Love.

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